Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Vegas Trip Booked

I booked my trip to Vegas today. It's my last fun alone times before the big wedding day. I'm going with a good poker buddy of mine Barry, so it should mainly just entail lots of drinking and cards. They wife to be said I have to leave her 1000.00 though before I go. I think I'm losing in that deal, but we both get what we want I suppose. It's sort of a gift to myself for my decent tax return + a little away time before the big day. I certainly don't have cold feet or anything. Today, the wedding is actually one month away. Time really has flown by since we initially picked the date!

I went deep in two tourneys last night - the FT Stuper 163.00 and Bodog 50K, but flamed out before the final table. Made a few bucks. It's nice to play well though and cash at least althoug the big score would have been a lot nicer! It was Crystal's birthday the other day and I got her a digital camera and printer that she wanted. She thought it cost 100.00, but it really cost like 400.00. She'll probably get mad when she finds out.

We're off to Panama City this weekend (5 hour drive) to see her dad and finalize the plans about wedding money and who is paying for what. We added up everything and it's just shy of 20K + our honeymoon is 5800.00 on top of that. What a bunch of money to spend on one day.... It'll be a fun time though and I'm really looking forward to it.

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