Monday, September 1, 2008

weekend review/other randomness

i went back to HU and also playing some HU Razz cause people suck at razz too and I'm actually +5500.00 over the last 4-5 days just playing 1/2NL HU and some 2/4, 3/6 razz. I've put in a ton of hands lately and i'm pleased with the results, so I'll probably move back up to see if I can recover more money at a faster rate. I really wanted to make like 15-20K before Aruba for a juicy cash games that are going to be there since donkament players have no idea how to play deep cash. I had to buy a new f-in laptop because my Dell Inspiron took a shit. the fan broke inside of it and Dell said like 3 weeks to ship the part, so I just bought a new HP for like 1K from best buy. sigh... it's a sweet laptop though.

Anyway, today is labor day and i'm home by myself. My wife went to Disney with her sister and 2 hot friends that stayed over last night. They were all drinking wine and talking about vaginas all night. It was great lol. I leave for my "guys" cruise next Monday which should be pretty fun. 4 days away to the Keys and Mexico with some good poker buddies and my brother. They have pokerpro electronic machine on the boat some hopefully some donkeys will be in the donating mode. I bubbled the 750K yesterday KK vs. KJ all in pre which is always nice. I chipped up to 30K or so then lost a big pot when a guy checkraised me all in when I had AA, then I got disconnected. It was so frustrating. :o( I went deep in the UB200K, but lost half my stack AK vs. QK, then reshoved QKs into KK in a pretty standard resteal spot to finish like 40th for 700.00 or something small.

ok nothing interesting to write, so gl all.


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