Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Life updates and the downswing...

Crushed it in December, but I'm stuck like 20K in january already. Partly due to bad play which I must admit when I try to win every pot and just spewmonkey everywhere, but as always, I have confidence I'll get it back. This weekend was full of ballerness though.

Friday a bunch of us poker players and girlfriends/wives went to Texas de Brazil for dinner. Awesome food and all kinds of meet to choose from. These carvers walk around with filet mignon, stuffed chicken, bacon wrapped this and that. it's pretty awesome, then we all went to the magic game. After that we all go drink our faces off at the local bowling alley/arcade where they have minibowling and of course the prop bets start rolling. We were playing for 20.00 a game. Then the shot girl came by and little pimp daddy Derek spit some game at her and I think got her number, but I'm not sure. He's the youngest out of all of us, yet has the biggest bankroll. We were chattin and he hopes to clear 500K this year, while my goal is 200K. Certainly off to an awesome start lol. Anyway, the shot girl comes by with all kinds of shots and I'm like, give me the whole tray. lol

Saturday I went to Tampa for my friend's bachelor party. He's getting married next week to a pretty hot nice girl, so of course we have to go out in style with the super stretch hummer loaded with beer, goose, jager, crown and all the fixings. We kept telling him, do another bomb do another bomb, but we were mixing jager with crown instead of red bull. He held his own though and didn't get sick. We ended the night at mons venus, one of the best known strip clubs in the world where it's full nude, but unfortunately no booze. I was a good boy though and just watched cause I love my wife. :o)

Sunday was another steak dinner with the wife's parents which was just okay. They paid most of the tab which of course was okay with us. It's her kid sister's 9th birthday yesterday and she got a cell phone? wtf? since when does a 9 year old need a cell phone? lol I didn't play any majors, actually didn't play at all on sunday.

We joined karate (mixed martial arts) which is pretty awesome, but shows how out of shape I am. I mean, I'm not fat or anything, but just out of shape, so I'm sweatin like a 500lb man in there runnin around, but hey, in 3-4 years, I'll be a black belt so watch out bitches.

Well, better try to rebuild the bankroll now... gl all.


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