Monday, March 9, 2009

awesomest pic i've ever seen of myself

I won a little over 5K today which was awesome of course. Most of it on bodog and most of it 3 tabling a guy on 3/6 early this morning where there was no action. He was actually decent, but I ran hot as hell and took 8 buyins from him before I took the wifey out for delicious combo fajitas at chilis lol.

Anyway, here's the awesomest pic of myself and my brother at my friend's wedding a few weeks ago. We are both obviously in awesome mode mainly because this wedding was beer and wine only and my brother brought jagermeister, captain morgan and goldschlager to the wedding. lol We had to hide it from the other guests so whenever we went to the bar we ask for "members only and coke" which is the magic word for captain and coke. Without further ado I present you, our asses in drunk mode super soakin dat hoe.

1 comment:

Randy said...

Not even close to as great as the best pic of myself:

Drunk at an Irish bar for my friend's birthday. Stole said friend's tiara. Retardedness followed. Beat that.