Friday, February 29, 2008

Donk and Gos

I hadn't played any donk and go's lately, so when I got home yesterday I played a simple session of 4. 2 55+5 turbos and 2 110+9 turbos. I quickly went out of one of the 110s when I got all in with KK vs. A10, obv A on the flop and I'm done. I busted one of the 55s 99 vs A10. It was funny in the other 55, my buddy blubboz and I got HU and I had a 2:1 chip lead, but he shoved and I called with AJ and he had AA lol. Then we were even and he shoved again and I called with 33 and he won the flip with AK. His bubble game is pretty weak, but he shoves well when it matters and gets his money in good. So I got 2nd vs. him for for like 148.50 and then I won my other 110+9 for 495 for a nice 300.00 profit in like 45 minutes. I played this donkey again that I took 2K from the other day. He went up quickly 600 on me, then I came back and started destroying him and was up a good 1900.00 on him until he started making these ridiculous rivers and I quit him +400.00. We are supposed to play again at 3:30p.m. today. I have a huge advantage over him as long as I make some hands! :oP

Tomorrow is my birthday. 27 years old tomorrow. Man I'm getting old. :o(

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