Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Biggest Cash pot ever, imo

Hand History is f-ed up when converting from Bodog, but was stuck some so went to 10/20NL where a dude was sitting by himself so we battle it for a while, then this pot happens:

my biggest pot I've ever won
Beat: gave most of it back lol

Game Type Hold'Em
Play Mode Real
Table Name Better Talk Now
Structure NL
Table Stakes Min Bet Max Bet Ante Blinds
$20.00 $10.00 $20.00

Community Cards K 3 7 8 10

Player Information
Name Seat
Position Cards
Dealt Start/End
Amount Total
Bet Win/Loss
People_Mover K Q $3,822.50/$6,651.50 $2,829.50 $2,829.00
pepsiontherocks 6 5 $2,829.50/$0.00 $2,829.50 $-2,829.50

Hand Actions
Player Action Action Data
pepsiontherocks Set dealer/Bring in spot 5
pepsiontherocks Ante/Small blind $ 10.00
People_Mover Big blind/Bring in $ 20.00
People_Mover Card dealt to a spot K Q
pepsiontherocks Card dealt to a spot 6 5
pepsiontherocks Raise $ 50.00
People_Mover Raise $ 160.00
pepsiontherocks Call $ 120.00
Betting round completed Last active pot = $360.00
Card dealt to table K 3 7
People_Mover Bet $ 280.00
pepsiontherocks Call $ 280.00
Betting round completed Last active pot = $920.00
Card dealt to table 8 1
People_Mover Bet $ 700.00
pepsiontherocks All-in $ 2,369.50
People_Mover Call $ 1,669.50
Betting round completed Last active pot = $0.00
Side pot 5 = $5,659.00
Card dealt to table 10
Rake amount $ 0.50
Betting round completed Last active pot = $0.00
Side pot 5 = $5,658.50
People_Mover Showdown Show card: Pair
K K Q 10 8
pepsiontherocks Showdown Show card: High Card
K 10 8 7 6
People_Mover Hand result $ 5,658.50

Gave a lot of it back when I called 1560.00 bet on the river with 2nd pair and was wrong. :o( Then I quit him +3K I lost a lot on Full Tilt yesterday - like 5K or something. :o( But fortunately was up like 7K on Bodog. lol 2K profit

I final tabled the Bodog 100K Sunday, but finished 10th. It was so disgusting how card dead I was with 40 to go. Absolutely nothing, then I shove K3 and of course dude wakes up with AK. 1100.00 when 1st is 25K. :o(

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