Friday, April 25, 2008

Facking tilt & doctor results

Went to my family doctor yesterday and she looked at my xrays and said separated shoulder between clavicle and ball joint or whatever. She made me do these arm bends and stuff and tested rotation. I can't put my arm behind my back which i guess is okay because who does stuff with their arms behind their back anyway, right? This sling is uncomfortable as fuck. I gotta get an MRI of tendons and muscles to see if anything is ripped or torn so that will be exciting.

Played 10/20NL vs. pepsiontherocks again last night. I'm rolled for it on Full tilt, but I only got like 20K on bodog which is 10 buy ins so if I run like sheet, i might busto the account. Well I drop 4K to him right away which obviously sucks, so I take a break, then drop another 2K buy in to him. :o( So I buy in for another 2K and run it up to over 10K. Won my biggest pot ever in the process over 7400.00. Then he got some back and he quit me when I had like 8 something on the table, so he won a little bit I think. I still ended down around 3K on the day which really sucks.

I'm going to cash some more out as we have a cruise coming up in June + my wife's birthday is coming up and I want to buy her something nice because she is the best. :o)

Looking to make tons this weekend hopefully as the 5/10 games on FT have been pretty good lately minus the f-ing shortstackers.

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